UK FCO, BIT, JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Babycenter, Estrategia Digital Nacional, MIT Data Lab, UNICEF, EQUIDE.
Experimental Design (RCT)
Prospera Digital aims to achieve impacts on maternal and child health of Prospera beneficiaries, through the use of adhoc SMS one way and two way messages with information on preventive care, appointment reminders, advise on habits, etc, for pregnancy, labor, postpartum and the first two years of the baby. The goal is to break the potential barrier of lack of access to information; empower women; and achieve behavioral change that lead to better outcomes at birth and for child development.
The project will achieve this by: i) developing a big data diagnostic, in partnership with the MIT Media Lab, to deliver mobile phones in populations with the adequate success rate characteristics for the programme (Prospera beneficiaries, pregnant women, telecommunications infrastructure, and others); ii) designing, documenting, implementing and monitoring a two-way SMS content creation and management strategy (in partnership with UNICEF, UK’s Behavioural Insights Team and Mexico’s Ministry of Health); iii) evaluating through an RCT that shows the impacts of these kind of interventions and provide information for its scale-up.
We found positive impacts on beneficiaries’ knowledge.
In process of publication of impact results.
Arturo Aguilar, Manétt Vargas, Rodrigo González de Ita, Alejandra Rogel, Adriana Paz, Ocelohuacan Castañeda, Cristina Barnard, Francisco del Villar, Kin Gutiérrez y César Landín